Johnson County Green Party Business Meting
Tuesday, July 5th, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Uptown Bill's Small Mall

I. We started with a general review of issues we've been following. Kevin noted that Moving Day is approaching and people will be wanting to get rid of furniture and household items. He will send a note to the Johnson County Green Party listserv, reminding people about the Iowa Green Party account at Houseworks.

II. Citizens for Public Power. Members had earlier agreed to support this initiative for the city to purchase the electric utility from MidAmerican. The campaign will need volunteers to help with phone calls, GO-TV and canvassing as the election draws near. Kevin will send out a note letting
members know where they can sign up to help out, and we will try to direct more volunteers to this effort.

II. George Pappas coordinated the effort to place an medical marijuana initiative on the November ballot. He asked for Greens' support and help (letters to the editor, etc). We agreed to support this effort, and send out alerts to the Johnson County Green Party listserv, as needed.

IV. We expressed interest in organizing a candidates's issues forum with a focus on Green issues in the fall. More discussion to come.

Next meeting: Tuesday, August 2nd, 7:00 p.m. Location Uptown Bill's Small Mall.

MORE BUSINESS: The Johnson County Green Party agreed to contribute $100 toward the cost of sending Larry Orr, Iowa Green Party delegate, to the national Green Party committee, to the national committee meeting in Tulsa this month.

Holly Hart
Secretary, Johnson County Green Party