The Johnson County Greens (and Linn Greens) met to caucus on Sunday 18 January 2004. After a brief period of casual conversation, speeches were made, followed by musical performance. Estimated attendance was 25.

All residents of Johnson County previously registered as Green and not yet re-registered as Democrat or Republican were invited to come by a mailed postcard. Announcement also went out on email listserv.

All in attendance were encouraged to speak, either on stage or from their seats. Various topics were covered. Specific issues addressed included candidate options for the 2004 presidential race and strategy for said race.

While no official poll was taken, there was observable consensus and enthusiasm to support David Cobb's bid. Cited were his positive and energetic demeaner, his willingness to work with the party, and his genuine interest in running a serious campaign. Desire to begin pursuing live events, radio and television, and literature drops were also expressed.

Regarding strategy, mentioned was the idea of a smart/safe states campaign, as well as Iowa's requirement for party qualification (2% showing in the upcoming Presidential race). Again, no official poll was taken. No opposition was voiced for the smart/safe states strategy. No opposition was voiced for pursuing the legally required 2%. No support was expressed for any other strategies.

One campaign plank was submitted, regarding the rights of government workers to unionize. Copies were given to all in attendence. Plank will be discussed by Johnson County either at our next meeting or via listserv.

Joannes R. Pool
co-chair, Johnson County Greens
delegate, Iowa Greens

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Page updated October 26, 2013